SKU: RH22967


Product Specifications:

Type: Safety Matches. Safety matches are designed to ignite safely and typically have a specific ignition strip that ignites when struck against the specially designed matchbox.

Quantity: 3-Pack. This indicates that the product is sold as a package containing 3 individual matchboxes, each with safety matches inside.

Brand: Redheads. This specifies the brand or manufacturer of the safety matches.

Safety Features: Safety matches are designed to be safer than regular matches. They typically require a specific striking surface (the matchbox) to ignite, reducing the risk of accidental ignition.

Application: Safety matches are used for various purposes, including lighting candles, stoves, fireplaces, campfires, and other applications where a reliable ignition source is needed.

Packaging: The matches are typically contained within a small cardboard matchbox that includes a striking surface.

Size: The dimensions of the matchbox may vary, but safety matches are generally compact and easy to carry.

Ignition: To ignite these matches, you would typically strike them against the striking surface on the matchbox. This friction creates a spark that lights the match.

Safety Precautions: Always follow safety precautions when handling and using matches. Keep them away from children and flammable materials when not in use. Ensure that you have a safe and suitable surface to strike the matches.
